Guohui is an associate professor at the Department of Information Science
and Media Studies,
Faculty of Social Sciences
at University of Bergen (UiB), Norway.
Before joining UiB, Guohui worked as an assistant professor at the KRDB Research
for Knowledge and Data, Faculty of Computer Science at Free University of
He obtained his PhD degree in Vienna University of Technology and his MSc and BSc degrees in Peking University.
Guohui's primary research interest is Knowledge Engineering, combining techniques from multiple fields: Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Graphs, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Large Language Models.
His research covers all aspects of Knowledge Engineering, including theoretical investigation, system implementation, and industrial use cases.
One special focus is Virtual Knowledge Graphs (VKGs), also known as Ontology-base
Data Access (OBDA).
He is leading the development team of
Ontop VKG system, which has been adopted in many academic and industrial
Guohui is a co-founder of the Ontopic startup, whose mission is to bring the VKG technology to industry. Ontopic is the first spin-off of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Within Ontopic, he covers the position of Chief Scientist.
Research Interests
- Knowledge Representation
- Description Logics, Ontology, Semantic Web
- Ontology-based Data Access, Virtual Knowledge Graphs
- Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Large Language Models
- Implementation and Optimization of Reasoning Systems
Jan 2014, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr.techn.)
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Knowledge Based System (KBS) group,
Institute of Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics
Advisor: Prof. Thomas Eiter (an image generated from MathGenealogy)
Thesis: Inline Evaluation of Hybrid Knowledge Bases
July 2010, Master of Science
Peking University, Beijing, China
Department of Information Science, School of Mathematical Sciences
Advisor: Prof. Zuoquan Lin
Thesis: Inconsistency Measurement under Multi-Valued Semantics (in
July 2007, Bachelor of Science
Peking University, Beijing, China
Department of Information Science,
School of Mathematical Sciences
Current Research Project
- High quality Open data Publishing and Enrichment (HOPE) - Italian national PRIN (Research Projects of National Relevance)
2017 call - Co Investigator
- High Quality Data Integration with Ontologies (QUADRO) - RTD 2018 call by the
Research Committee of unibz - Principle investigator
- Ontology-based analysis of temporal and streaming data (OBATS) - RTD 2017 call by the
Research Committee of unibz - Principle investigator.
Finished Research Projects
- Novel Developments in
Ontology-Based Data Access and Integration (NOBDI) Diego Calvanese, Benjamin Cogrel and Guohui Xiao.
Full day tutorial, 17th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence –
Trento, November 20-23, 2018
- Semantic Technologies for Data Access and
Integration. Diego Calvanese and Guohui Xiao. Full day tutorial, CIKM. Torino, 26 October 2018.
- Ontology-based Data Access: Theory and
Practice. Guohui Xiao and Roman Konchakov. Full day tutorial, IJCAI 2018. Stockholm, July
14, 2018.
Virtual Knowledge Graphs: Guohui Xiao. Half day tutorial, China Conference on
Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2017). Chengdu, China, August 26–29, 2017.
- Mapping Management and Expressive Ontologies in
Ontology-Based Data Access. Diego Calvanese, Benjamin Cogrel and Guohui Xiao. Full day tutorial,
EKAW. Bologna, November 19, 2016.
Ontop: Answering SPARQL Queries over Relational Databases.
Talk at Stanford 2016
Ontology-based Data Access: From Theory to Practice.
Tutorial at The 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC
Ontology-based data access -- Theory and Practice. slides
Summer School lecture at the 8th Chinese Semantic Web
Symposium & Web Science Conference (CSWS2014)
Ontop system for Ontology Based Data Access [GitHub]
DReW reasoner for DL-program over
datalog-rewriteable ontologies [GitHub]
Clipper reasoner for conjunctive queries
over Horn-SHIQ ontologies [GitHub]
Copyright © 2014-2016 Guohui Xiao